Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Tip Tuesday: "But First Let me Take a #Selfie" No Filter Makeup

With the popularity of Instagram and #selfies on social media, it has made it harder for everyone to want to post a photo of themselves without some type of filter, skin softening, blurring effects, and some even go to great lengths as legit photoshopping their images prior to posting. This is especially true with the makeup gurus or Instagram famous makeup enthusiasts or junkies.

However, this past weekend I was at The Makeup Show and I saw dozens of women who's makeup was applied like the people the admire and follow, even idolize on social media. The problem is that this type of makeup looks less dramatic when they have special lighting sets god for filming videos, the use of several filters and retouching, not to mention specific flattering angles in which photo is taken from...usually sky high above to give the illusion of the slimming effect.

So for my Tip Tuesday:

If you don't want to go outside looking crazy, (unless that is the look you are trying to go for) make sure:
*you do your makeup in natural lighting or good lighting for that matter,
*blend your makeup and take a #selfie before walking out of the door

Analyze it and if you look good before the filter and don't need to rely on these beauty apps to smooth skin, blur out  and blend for you, then chances are you don't look crazy.  Good makeup on the everyday woman doesn't need a filter, or photoshop.

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